Human Bone Marrow - CD133 Cells

Human Bone Marrow - CD133 Cells

CD133 cells refer to a type of cell that expresses the CD133 protein on its surface. These cells, also known as endothelial stem cells, are often considered to be stem cells, although the exact role of CD133 in stem cell regulation is complex and not fully understood.

CD133 cells are often associated with stem cell characteristics, meaning that they have the ability to self-renew and differentiate into several specialised cell types. In the bone marrow, these cells can contribute to tissue regeneration and repair. They play a role in haematopoiesis and the process of blood cell formation. Because of their regenerative potential, CD133 cells have attracted considerable interest in the field of regenerative medicine. Some research and clinical trials are exploring the use of CD133 cells to treat conditions such as cardiovascular disease, nerve damage and other disorders requiring tissue regeneration.

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