

Polyoxyethylene detergents are available under trade names, such as Triton, Tween, Genapol, Brij, Thesit, Lubrol, etc. In addition to the numerous trade names, industrial grade detergents are often a nonspecific mixture of closely related molecules. This may vary from lot-to-lot and may also contain other additives and contaminants that can result in undesirable effects during protein extraction. One such contaminant is peroxide. Light and age can accelerate peroxide formation and concentration. Peroxides in biological systems will react with macromolecules such as membrane proteins and create the potential to inactivate, or even fragment, the molecule. Biochemically speaking, peroxides oxidize the sulfhydryl groups in the protein tertiary structure and interfere with natural protein folding. Tween and Triton often contain hydrogen peroxide levels as high as 0.2%, and these levels build as the product sits on the research shelf in your lab. To combat these problems, Anapoe® reagents are crafted and purified using chromatography to contain less than 20 µM of equivalent peroxide, supplied as a 10% aqueous solution, and then stored under argon for stability. Anapoe detergents are prepared and enhanced so you get the functionality you need, without the side effects.


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