Human Rectal Cells

Human Rectal Cells

The rectum is the final part of the digestive tract. It connects the sigmoid colon to the anus. The rectum is cylindrical in shape and measures between 15 and 18 cm in length, its diameter varies depending on the part of the rectum. It is composed of two distinct parts: the rectal ampulla which allows the storage of fecal matter while waiting for defecation (reservoir), and the anal canal which allows continence. The rectum is vascularized by three pairs of veins and three pairs of arteries. Lymphatic vessels are also present.  The external surface of the rectum is bumpy and covered by the mesorectum, a fatty tissue that contains blood vessels and lymph nodes. The rectum is covered by peritoneum on its front and lateral surfaces, but not on its posterior surface; it is therefore not a peritoneal but a subperitoneal organ. The rectum can be affected by various pathologies (rectitis, hemorrhoids, rectal cancer).

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