Cross adsorbed Anti-Hamster secondary antibodies Anti-Hamster

Cross adsorbed Anti-Hamster secondary antibodies Anti-Hamster

Cross-adsorbed anti-hamster antibodies are designed to specifically target and bind to hamster antigens. This specificity is achieved through a process known as cross-adsorption, which removes antibodies that might recognize shared epitopes on proteins from other species, reducing the risk of non-specific binding.


These antibodies find applications in various experimental techniques, including western blotting, immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), and more. Their utility extends to diverse research areas, from immunology to cancer biology.


Different types of cross-adsorbed anti-hamster antibodies are available, offering researchers options based on their specific experimental requirements.for instance : 

  • Anti-Hamster IgG (H&L) Antibody (Cross Adsorbed) - FITC Conjugated:

    • This FITC-conjugated antibody specifically detects hamster IgG while minimizing cross-reactivity with other species.
  • Hamster IgG (H+L), Mouse ads Antibody:

    • This mouse-derived antibody targets hamster IgG for detection in immunoassays like ELISAs and western blots.
  • Anti-Golden Syrian Hamster IgG (H&L) (Texas Red™ Conjugated) Pre-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody:

    • This pre-adsorbed secondary antibody, conjugated with Texas Red™, is used for specific hamster IgG visualization in immunofluorescence applications.
  • Goat F(ab')2 Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat ads-PE:

    • This goat-derived antibody, conjugated with PE, detects hamster IgG, and has been adsorbed against mouse and rat serum proteins to reduce cross-reactivity, making it ideal for flow cytometry and related applications.


When selecting a cross-adsorbed anti-hamster antibody, researchers should consider factors such as the intended application, species cross-reactivity, and sensitivity. Highly cross-adsorbed antibodies may provide greater specificity but should be chosen carefully to avoid diminishing the signal.

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