Protein / Peptide

Protein / Peptide

Custom Service : Protein analytics
We offer a range of analytical methods utilizing multiple assay platforms that be used to characterize a broad range of proteins expressed and purified by various methods.

Custom service : Protein production and purification in an eukaryotic system
Use of an eukaryotic system allows to produce recombinant proteins that are submitted to post-traductional modifications, essentials to their functions. => Quote request

Custom service : Protein production and purification in mammalian cells
Use of a mammalian model, in comparison with a primary eukaryotic model, allows to mimic more the post-traductional modifications of proteins, essentials to their functions. => Quote request

Custom service : Protein production and purification in a human model
Use of a human model, in comparison with a mammalian model, allows to optimize the post-traductional modifications of proteins, essentials to their functions. => Quote request